I served with the 221st Signal Company (Pictorial) Vietnam between Jul 1969 and March 1970.
This website is meant to be a gathering place for 221st Signal images and memories. The site began its tour of duty on Oct 1, 2010. I will continue to maintain this site on a voluntary indefinite status. All who served with the 221st Signal in Vietnam are welcome to contribute images or stories. If you want to contribute or just make contact, email pberk@berks.com
Paul Berkowitz, 1st LT
Photo Team Leader
Jul 69 - Mar 70 …
New to Company Roster
Alan Cahill |
John Schellhaas |
Frank Gunsolley |
Dwight Carter |
Frank Cortellino |
James Stevens |
Charlie Gaynor |
Bart Oldenburg |
John Shea |
History of the 221st in 15 min.
Pics of Us |
Pics we shot |
Pics in the Archives |
David Layne Collection |
Reunion Pics |
1048 Slides Claim Yours |
3-D Pictures from Mike Breshears |
Reunion Slide Show 2012 |
Reunion Slide Show 2015 |
Reunion Slide Show 2016 |
Reunion Slide Show 2022 |
Evan Mower |
James Stevens |
Michael Loehrer |
Charles Lang |
Roger Hawkins |
Rick Ekstrand |
Steve Klubock |
Vance Barnes |
Robert Swartz |
Don Fedynak |
Tom Hamilton |
Bob Fulstone |
Roy Tronnes |
Mike Green |
Ralph Kennedy |
Dale Nunn |
Peter Berlin |
Juan Gabriel Agosto |
Tim Marks |
Joe Wolak |
Andres Alvarado |
John Andescavage |
John Andescavage #2 |
Ken Hoffman |
Paul Ruez |
Chris Jensen |
Marty Katz |
Ken Wingender |
Ray Linn |
Mark Erickson |
Wayne Wilson |
Michael Boggs |
Chic Hinton |
Jim Saller |
Don Surgent |
Bob Demchuk |
John Morris |
Rick Jiminez |
History of the 221st Video |
Monkey Jungle |
Larry Fisher Sound Film Exercise |
Dale Nunn's Super 8mm |
AFVN - Pete Berlin |
Film we shot |
Edited Footage |
Chris Jensen Footage |
Video Interviews |
Missing Man Ceremony |
Don Fedynak and Ken Hoffman |
Peter Berlin |
Bob Swartz - Ghostriders 079 |
Bob Swartz |
Bill Dixon |
Don Stanton |
Evan Mower |
221st Interviews |
The Ballad of Sgt Rock |
Battle of Dak To Audio |
Ransom Craig Cyr |
David Allen Russell |
Timothy Joseph Duncan |
Maurice Clark |
GhostRiders 079 |
What happened |
Larry Young |
Chris Childs |
Doug Itri |
Ron Lowe |
Ray Paradis |