221st Signal Company (Pictorial) U.S. Army Vietnam Southeast Asia Pictorial Center 1967 - 1972 221st Crest 221st TV Show ratings success Frederic Lumiere at our St. Louis Reunion


RAW WAR, The Lost Film of Dak To, tells the story of the battle for Hill 724 on Nov 11, 1967 valiantly fought by elements of the 3rd of the 8th Infantry, 4th Infantry Division. A 221st Photo Team, 1Lt Allen Patterson, Sp5 Mike Breshears, Sp5 Charles “Butch” Keneipp, and Sp6 Maurice Cauchi covered the battle. Cauchi used a tape recorder during the battle.  A dub of Cauchi’s battle tape made by Rick Ekstrand  launched this show.   

Cauchi, Breshears and Keneipp were wounded in the action and medevaced off the hill.  The show covers all the action, but also, for the first time on television, brings to center stage the 221st Signal Company (Pictorial), its mission and it’s Combat Photographers. That has been a long, long time in coming.  As we all know, the pictures did not take themselves.

The show had its premiere on March 3, 2014 at 9pm on the Military Channel’s newly branded American Heroes Channel.

Frederic Lumiere, the shows Producer/Director informed us a few days later, “RAW WAR blew away the ratings! The highest rated show in the history of Military Channel. The ratings only spiked this high during our show. They went back down at 10PM.....Obviously there would be no footage without the men who shot it, no story without the men who fought the battle, and no show without the men who so generously shared their story with us. I think it was time to recognize them all and for it to be so well received is a blessing.”



See TV SHOW PROMO 3 Min. Raw War Promo with Berkowitz 480p.mp4