221st Signal Company (Pictorial) U.S. Army Vietnam Southeast Asia Pictorial Center 1967 - 1972 221st Crest

“Yes, I knew Cauchi. I don't remember exactly how my conversation with Cauchi started about the tape, but he told me he had this recording of the battle. I had an Akai reel to reel tape recorder there, still have it, and either he or I suggested I make a copy of it. I am really glad I did and really happy I kept it and that it still works. When I came home from Vietnam I played it for a few friends and then put it away, never trying it until recently....I remember talking with Charles Keniepp when he returned from his recovery in Japan. I think he was hurt pretty bad and thought he had gone through enough without being sent back in again.”

  - Sp5 Rick Ekstrand

Cauchi audio Dak To Cut Version 1.mp3

Rick Ekstrand sent me a harrowing tape recorded on Hill 724 near Dak To on Nov 11, 1967 by Sp6 Maurice Cauchi.  I since learned that this was one of the fiercest and costliest battles of the war – and also one of the least known.  Our  company histories all place Cauchi on a different hill, but after checking things carefully and verifying it with troops who were there, I am certain that Cauchi, Breshears,  Keneipp and Team leader 1Lt Allen Patterson were on Hill 724. The original tape runs about an hour in length. I cut it down to about 16 minutes and also did a 8 min video version for posting on Youtube.

Cauchi’s courage under fire is certainly displayed in this tape.  If you listen closely you can hear his Filmo running in the heat of the battle when most of us would have been thinking of how to stay alive. The purpose of the tape was to make notes for his captions, but as this intense battle progressed, Maurice uses the tape in a far more powerful and personal way.

   - 1Lt Paul Berkowitz

Edited version  of Cauchi Tape 16 min

Battle on Hill 724 - Dak To - Cauchi Audio Tape dak_to_audio.mp3

Full one hour version

YouTube Version 8 min

Thanks to all the valiant members of 3rd/8th who were there and helped me get things right.

This battle tape made by Maurice Cauchi launched a TV SHOW
8th Infantry