FRONT ROW (LTO R): "Bud" Olson (Illinois), Roy Tronnes (Shelly Minnesota), Ochoa (Arizona), Wallace "Pretty Feet" Collins (Warren Ohio), Pollard (not Ken Pollard) (California) CENTER ROW (L TO R): "Savage" Danny Carter (W. Virginia), Ron VanGuilder (Robinsdale Minnesota), Brian Gray, Betty R. Jackson (Newton Kansas), Linda Kahlin (Ashtabula Ohio..."Best Location in the Nation"), Janet Westfield (St. Louis), Ray Linn (Altoona Pa....home of Mallo Cups!), Rudy Kocib (Tennessee, by way of Panama, Germany , and a few other locations...his father was a mess sergeant, I believe) BACK ROW (L TO R): Chris Turner (New Jersey and North Carolina), Byron Evans (Utah...wife's name was Pam), Doug Itri (Boston), James Otto (Nebraska), Fraley (Kentucky), Thomas Montgomery (Oklahoma) Paul Molnar (Palmerton Pa.)
Received these names from Brian Gray. Instructors not in the picture: Mr. Ensminger, SFC Rosemund and Sp6 Ford. We both remember Mr. Ensminger telling us that he photographed the Hindenburg going down at Lake Hurst, NJ. The site was near where we all went through our aerial helicopter training. Seems like we flew about three times to me.
We started training in September of 1968 and finished in November of 68. Most of us were just fresh out of basic. Fort Monmouth was much more relaxed than basic training. It was close to NYC for weekend trips, etc. The instructors were excellent and gave us all a great knowledge of photography. We took training trips to cities like Freehold, NJ and Asbury Park, NJ. We had certain objectives to accomplish on these trips. Once we returned we were critiqued by the instructors. It was very interesting learning on a Speed Graphic. Never did see the Graphlex XL until the 221st.
We had some great times as a team together. It was typical of us to joke around with each other, etc. Brian Gray and I became close along with Doug Itri, Chris Turner and Roy Tronnes. It’s ironic that all of us ended up in the 221st together. Earl Olson also joined us in the 221st. Several of us went on to Ft. Riley, Ks. and went on Reforger I to Germany prior to going to Vietnam. Interesting when we arrived at Ft. Riley most of did not get photo jobs. I feel we were sent to Ft. Riley to make sure they had enough soldiers to send on Reforger I (my opinion).
Writing about this makes me miss Doug even more to this day.
-Sp5 Ray Linn
Dear Ray — The instructors we had were:
Mr. Ensminger, who stayed with us the entire time. Most other instructors were with us just for 2 weeks, but our class was the first to have one instructor remain with the class the entire time. It was something new they were trying.
He drove a beaten up 1958 Dodge...and was proud of it.
Mr. Grevenaugh was the head of the Audio-Visual Division School at Ft. Monmouth. SSgt. Beehan was with us once when we flew in the fixed wing aircraft.
SFC. Rosemund was with us for our first 2 weeks. SP6 Ford taught us panning. There was also an E7 whom everyone called "Casper the Ghost"...nice guy from WIsconsin...I believe he wound up at Long Binh. I remember seeing him there when I was leaving country. (Remember the term "DEROS"??)
We also had a civilian named...are you sitting down?......Mr. Rembo....that is Rembo with an "E". He smoked cigars and dressed in expensive suits...he looked like a mafia boss.
SP4 Higginson...taught us flash photography.
I remember two other (then) civilians who had been retired from the of them was really high strung and would start shouting at the drop of a hat. He was still pissed off at the army...he told us so several times.....for having been busted once in his army career for not signing out a rake. He said if that had not happened, he would have retired as an E8 instead of an E7.
The other one always looked as if he had just bitten into a lemon...he never smiled.
You can understand why I do not wish to remember their names.
We also had a SP5 who hated being in the army, even though he was a lifer. I remember one Monday morning he proudly announced that on Sunday he got his 9 year old daughter to cry by not letting her watch "Heidi" on tv becasue he wanted to watch the football game. Just one more jackass.
That's all I can remember Ray.
- Sp5 Brian Gray