221st Signal Company (Pictorial) U.S. Army Vietnam Southeast Asia Pictorial Center 1967 - 1972 221st Crest T 1048 Slides Claim Yours

“I was an 84G when I got stationed in Long Binh in 1971 but converted to a 84B. I was then transfered to Cam Ranh Bay until the base closed. We moved to Nha Trang until they closed us down again at which time we moved back to Long Binh. I did a little time at the Siagon detachment until I went home in Aug of 72. These are not my photos but those of photographers from the 221st.  I rescued them as we closed down the different dets as the war was ending. I have 1132 slides that I converted to digital. Don't be surprised if you find photos that you might have taken. By putting them up I was hoping that the guys that shot the photos could claim them and add captions to them.  Sorry for the order of the pictures but they all got mixed up when I scanned them. The first group of photos are of ground units the next group will be armored and then aviation followed by captured weapons and then a mix of all kinds of stuff.” - Sp4 Dale Nunn

Use the running time to reference your pictures
E-mail pberk@berks.com

Roy Tronnes claims this shot

Pete Berlin claims this shot

Chris Jensen, Tom Wolzein or Jim Sallers claim this shot

You can review all 1048 slides one by one here ...

Dale Nunn

Tom Wolzien thinks he’s the guy in these pictures taking the picture of the 1st Sig Beachcraft.