221st Signal Company (Pictorial) U.S. Army Vietnam Southeast Asia Pictorial Center 1967 - 1972 221st Crest Timothy Joseph Duncan, Age 36 MOS:84G20: Photo Lab Specialist MOS:84D20: Audio Specialist Killed in non-hostile vehicle loss or crash. http://www.virtualwall.org/dd/DuncanTJ01a.htm

Timothy Duncan was a career solider with 16 years in the service, reserves and active duty.  He was from Pasadena, Ca.  His early Army duties included some time as an MP.  The picture shown above was apparently contributed to the Virtual Wall by Tim’s brother, Sevellte Gordon.   The picture was later restored by Rick Dunn, an Army veteran who volunteers his skill and time to retouch distressed photos left on the Virtual wall.



Timothy Joseph Duncan

Specialist Five
Army of the United States
Pasadena, California
December 18, 1931 to October 04, 1968

Tim worked as an Audio Specialist (MOS 84D20) at Army Pictorial Center and AFN Radio Berlin (1962-66). After training as a Photo Lab Specialist (84G20), Tim joined the 221st at its formation in Fort Monmouth in 1966. The picture shown above, of Tim and J. Strait, was provided by Jim Lofton who proudly served with Tim at AFN in Berlin.  Jim, whose assignment was admin, fondly remembers that Tim took the time and trouble to teach a young admin soldier some audio skills.   


“I knew Tim quite well. We were stationed at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey when the 221st was getting ready to go to Vietnam. ....we left on the ship Pope on Nov 1, 1967 as the third packet. We arrived at Cam Rahn Bay on Thanksgiving day or the day before 1967. Tim was a very nice fellow. I thought he had been an MP at one time. I also heard his family was in Texas when he died. Tim was a good guy to work with, kind of kept to himself a lot. He worked in the photo lab with black and white pics. His nickname was Swift. I was a sergeant of the guard the night he died, remember coming back to the company and finding out about Tim. They had a very nice memorial service for Tim at the 221st, everyone attended. He had less than a month to go, always felt bad about how close he was to making it home. I visited his name on a moving Wall that came to Lindstrom, MN in September of 2009.”  - Sp5 Rick Ekstrand

The Virtual Wall has Tim’s MOS as 82D20 Topographic Surveyor.  This is an error.  

If anyone has further information or questions on Tim, please e-mail pberk@berks.com