The Jagged Sword Magazine
“The First Signal Brigade published The Jagged Sword, a fairly nice 32 page magazine. This issue, Fall of 1970, lists 221st artist Sp5 Ken Grissom as art director. The issue has a nice selection of his work, including the cover. It also has interesting stories about the 221st and Al Rockoff. The photo of General Foster is mine, from the change of command ceremony.”
- Sp5 Evan Mower
9 page PDF file
“ The irrepressible Famous Mower tracked me down again and connected me to the website. Brings back a lot of memories. My wife bugged me to dig out some of my old stuff which I have not taken very good care of over 40 years. I sent Evan some PDF’s that might be OK for the site but thought I might send you a copy of a Spring 1971 Jagged Sword. It has a couple of SEAPC/221st stories with names I certainly remember. I arrived summer of ‘70 and left in Spring of 71 on the same plane as Dennis Tanner,. …My work partner, Dennis Tanner (E-5, Wayne State Tennis Player...), got hooked up with a group of Red Cross staffers (Donut Dollies, remember??) who put together a cheesy program of Bob Hope-like visitation to remote sites. The story is in the issue of sword that is now in the mail. Thanks for you effort and initiative. “
Gordon Preecs, MD
Bob Demchuk, Dennis Tanner and Vance Barnes
3 page PDF file
221st Miniature
Bob Hope Show
From the Spring 1971 issue of Jagged Sword.
Photos by Al Rockoff and Chris Jensen
2 page PDF file