221st Signal Company (Pictorial) U.S. Army Vietnam Southeast Asia Pictorial Center 1967 - 1972 221st Crest

Ronald Sidney Lowe, Age 21
MOS: 84C20 - Motion Picture Specialist
Killed in GhostRiders 079 shootdown
Virtual Wall page

Ron Lowe’s footage at CriticalPast.com

The slate on this footage at CriticalPast.com seems to indicate that it was shot by Ron Lowe, May 5, 1970 as part of the coverage of the Cambodian incursion.

I may have known Ron Lowe as it seems that he was assigned to the Pleiku Detachment having arrived in country in Jan 1970. I was OIC in Pleiku approximately betwen Jan and Feb of 1970. But I have no specific memories of Ron.  His MOS tells me he shot MoPic.  I don't recall having anyone but myself in Pleiku that was a MoPic shooter.  I don't even recall that the detachment had MoPic equipment (not even a Filmo).  But obviously things changed later. I know from the Virtual Wall page that Ron had a son who has been seeking pictures and memories of a father he never knew. Recently, I’ve been in touch with Ron Lowe Jr and he would particularly like to locate Rich Haney or Chuck Hayward.  But if anyone at all has memories or pictures of Ron, please write me.  pberk@berks.com

 - Paul Berkowitz, 1Lt 221 Signal Company