221st Signal Company (Pictorial) U.S. Army Vietnam Southeast Asia Pictorial Center 1967 - 1972 221st Crest

Ken Hoffman’s Blog - Ghostriders 079

Ken Hoffman served in the 221st from Jun 1969 to Jun 1970.  During the first half of his tour he was OIC of the Pleiku detachment.

Ken spent the second half of his tour as Team Leader of a MACV photo team operating out of Saigon.  

The Vietnam War Commentaries Blog by Kenneth Hoffman includes a detailed first-hand written description of the Ghostriders 079 crash site. In addition, there are blog posts and short videos about the war, and comments culled from over 5000 messages left by Vietnam veterans from the original 1995-2004 blog. They can be found under the tabs for Military, Children and Protest.”