Trashed Prints Chieu Hoi
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“Really Crazy story, I was stationed with the 9th Special Operations Squadron (Air Force), Bien Hoa, 1970 - 1971. The day I was leaving Vietnam, I found a folder of 8 X 10 pictures in the trash ... I just thought they were neat so I put them in my Duffle bag ... flash forward to last week cleaning out some files I came upon these again. I thought it would be great to find some of the people pictured. I thought they might get a kick out of it. Eight of these were taken by 221st Signal Company. Listed on the back as the Phtographers: 1Lt Mills, Darryl Arizo, Frank Mitchell, Sp5 Ray A Linn, E Campbell, Sp4 Tronnes, SP5 Niece, James L Beck and 1Lt Mike Loehrer. I also have a number of photos from the 523 Signal Battalion and a few from the 125th Sig Battalion. I did find one picture that Lt Mills had taken for a Pilot who had received the Legion of Merit which I located in PA and sent him the picture.”
- Steve Williams, 9th Special Ops
A big thanks to Steve Williams for saving these 221st prints
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