221st Signal Company (Pictorial) U.S. Army Vietnam Southeast Asia Pictorial Center 1967 - 1972 221st Crest

Press Card Number One

“Attached is the requested scan of  my USARV Accreditation  Press Card, #1. Though I didn't invent the card, I was able to obtain a copy of one in Saigon at Army HQ, and then had other blank ones printed. We didn't have time to submit applications for the real cards, and our Major and Sgt. Major didn't even know anything about Press Accreditation procedures, so I took matters into my own hands and I issued the initial Press Cards. These Press passes were really helpful when we were hitching rides on Military aircraft. We were able to bump almost everyone except Bird Colonels when we needed a helicopter ride on our various missions, Paul, how were you able to get a card 1 year later?”

 - 1Lt, Marty Katz

“Marty - The Press card worked beautifully at all the aerial ports, Press clubs, even the General's mess. Like you, we bumped guys off flights. I got mine in Jul 69. I was #278 so obviously there were lots of guys ahead of me who got cards too. Until I met you in 1994, I thought the thing was totally on the level. As far I know, the cards were issued at SEAPC and not USARV. It seems that one blank card is all it took to get the ball rolling and then it was SOP.”

 - 1Lt, Paul Berkowitz

I know I used my Press Card effectively while in the field and want to thank Marty again for his brilliant initiative and ingenuity in the face of paperwork.  Made my life in Nam easier!!! .... What's your Press Card number?  Who has a number higher than 278 ?   How high did they go?  Send me your experience with the Press Card or other related adventures  - Paul   pberk@berks.com

BTW, Marty has his card framed in a see through arrangement so he can see both sides of the card. His is nice and clean – but I’ve had mine in my wallet for 40 years.  No kidding.  I’m never without it.  Good luck charm!